Kickstand wrote:
badinfluence63 wrote:
ED Brown is a nut bag. You're not gonna not pay tax's and everyone else does. Its the way it is. They had a palacial place waaaaaay out in the woods replete with a helicopter pad. His wife was a successful dentist. They made mad money. To me they are both dumbass. They bathed in their short celebrity.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's. Pretty simple actually.
Don't know much about these people in particular. However income tax was not intended for a bunch bureaucrats to get rich of the people. The people can just take the attitude surrender to Caesar what is Caesars or the people can hold Caesar accountable. We are governed by the rich for the rich and some people have a problem with that. The reason they're taking your guns is to control you. If the American people is armed it has options.
Federal government needs to take a step back and do what it was intended to do inot what tis doing today. So I have to disagree with you it's not that simple.
First I commend you both on very good points of view - I agree with you both - in part and in ideals
Taxes are an necessary evil - the way they are being used is wrong - the amounts we pay is exorbitant.
The Government is/has been overstepping its authority for a long time. It is so powerful that any individual has little to no chance of fighting it.
Organizing a realistic and substantial resistance to this extreme rule is very difficult in modern times because the media is controlled by it and the news we get is filtered to not let any dissident opinions be heard. Unless the masses are in agreement the government will always be what it is. Tyranny and extortion with the peoples freedoms are hanging in the balance. It seems our options are getting less and less with every new election. It is not simple - and I only hope when the whole thing blows up the blood that is spilled is that of the tyrants and not the people that pay the bills.