thecarpenter wrote:
I'm breaking my rule by talking about politics but this might be interesting. I've heard negative and positive things about every president.
What I would like to know is what would each one of you have done different to save the economy. post bush or pre bush you decide.
I've often thaught that if it was me in the oval office I would have told the banks and all the busted corporations tuff titty
I'm thinking I'd start out fixing the F-ups starting w/ Clinton:
Find and kill the twin tower bombers.
Find and kill the USS Cole bombers and the ones that trained and equip them.
Throw the Cheating Lying Bastard out of office - Monica ring a bell?
Next - If the bud had been nipped correctly during that time frame - Saddam Hussein might not have been so ready to invade Kuwait... Could have avoided war #1 desert storm???
Bush # 2 - IF Clinton had done his job = the twin towers might still be standing - Avoid war #2 the last 12 years... budget problems start solving themselves...
All the rights and freedoms stolen from the people of USA under the patriot act would still be in place.
Obama - no health care act, no trillions dollars of boost to his buddies and contributors -
1) Mandatory balanced budgets.
2) Every citizen is treated as equal - including Senators, Congressmen & Presidents.
3) Secured borders - no such thing as undocumented aliens - they are here illegally - they are ILLEGAL ALIENS and should be treated as such. My grand parents came over in steerage and went through Eilis Island, learned the language and became US citizens legally...
I live in an area that prides itself on Mexican Culture to the point they fly Mexican Flags year round, and don't even speak our language.
4) No such thing as gun control - if the bad guys carry guns then a good man should be able to protect himself without worrying about going to jail for doing it - on the street - on your bike - in your home...
5) Taxes - everyone pays no more than 10% of their income that includes all your taxes - property + income + sales + all the others I can't think of. Everyone pays the same rate no matter what you make.
10% of a millionaire or 10% of a minimum wage no difference.
I feel we are being enslaved more and more everyday by greedy politicians - both sides of the isle!!
I feel that all the money they collect is being wasted and squandered.
I feel like the USA I was born in and grew up in is dying - the new republic is not and will never be the once great country of my father and the people that fought and died in WW2...
Common Sense - seems these days the only ones with it are the ones being burdened by all the fools.
Thanks for letting me vent.