I have my computer set to pull up news pages when I sign on in the morning. This also brings "celebrity news." One of the vignettes was about Drew Carey.
It seems that after he lost weight he got a better looking girl friend, trashed the Oscars (so did most people in the Madison area) and used 'the F bomb' on his twitter account. To Hollywood, this means he went crazy in a midlife life crisis.
First off, this 'crazy' thing. Scew 'em. I'm crazy--and I have papers. Went nuts twice, one time so bad I asked my wife to sign me into a hospital. If a pundit openly published medical details about a woman's hysterectomy or hospital stays for detox, the clown would get sued blue. My diagnosis is protected by HIPAA. I am open about it because millions of Americans live in fear for just being sick, and they carry shame. And I don't give a rip about what's left of my reputation. Call me crazy, I don't care. But no real biker derides a person dealing with sheer terror--many of these 'bikers' are probably wife beaters or drunks. Just who would pump up his ego by smacking around a hospital patient?
Now that I'm off my soapbox, I believe that 'celebrities' have the same rights under our laws. I'm a strict constructionist libertarian, and this nonsense about "no expectation of privacy" is a crock. If someone followed you around, published national pictures of you picking your nose or dating a younger woman the laughter would end. My guess is that the beatings would start.
Carey has a right to change girl friends, heck, I married a tall good looking blonde myself. He has the right to any opinion, perhaps not sedition to promote open warfare, but then I've heard that one by common folks commenting on modern politics. As for criticizing the Oscars, truth be told the movie industry is just another corporation, not a rainbow bridge to paradise. Someone ought to expose abuses in employment resulting in sexual misconduct, drug use, and using bookkeeping tricks to short-change employees.
This vignette ended with the comment that the reporter liked Carey better when he was fat. I'd like to see her reaction if Carey commented that he'd never date her because the size of her butt. I'll bet that the national open comments on an individual's body parts wouldn't be as funny then.
But then, I'm crazy. But consider this opinion the next time you walk under a surveillance camera watching your every move in free America. You get the government you deserve. Trashing a man is not entertainment, it's pathetic.
"Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?" Brad Pitt as Achilles in the movie 'Troy'