How to get the best deal on a new harley.
1. Never be in a hurry to buy your new bike. Go to the dealership and make friends with the sales people and feel out who you like.
2. Do this at all the dealerships in your area. Talk to people, and see who has the best dealership that you will be able to deal with.
3. Are you paying cash or financing it? Harley dealers do make a lot of money on the bikes, there is room to get a deal.
4. Don't be afraid to ask for a deal. Pick the bike out that you want with whatever options that come from the factory that you want. Make sure that it is the bike that you want, they may just give it to you for the price that you want to pay.
5. Don't be afraid to walk out the door, may deals are made while you are walking out the door. The dealer does not what to be known for giving his bikes away. That is why you never hear about anyone getting a deal. Tell the salesman that you will keep the deal quite.
6. Once you made your deal, the dealer will usually give you 10% to 20% off any extras that you want to buy.
Last but not least December is a slow time for all sales of big ticket items. Check out the dealers and see if you can get a deal. Winter is a slow time if there is snow on the ground the dealers will be very slow. Take advantage of this time of the year.
Let us know how this turns out for you. Good luck and happy holidays!