MattSuperLow wrote:
I'm specifically talking about Harley Part; 49287-11 as this is the one that fits my SuperLow. I just want to also make sure that the guards wont stick out any further than my foot rests. I I don't have much space in the garage to fit the bike and both cars. The pictures make it seem like they just stick out as far as the foot rests which would be fine. I found a aftermarket one on ebay for $98, I didn't think for an engine guard that it would matter if it was aftermarket, but what do you think? Thanks
I just found one (Harley Part; 49287-11) for $200 plus so you might be getting a deal.
I say might because until you actually get it in your hands and see the "fit&finish" you never know.
I also don't go by a photo, angles and perspective can be skewed with a wider angle lens...
Best way, get the exact model number part, examine it in person, measure it - measure your bike- then if the part that you are ordering is exact /model number guarantee of return postage if they ship the wrong part cause shipping will make a big difference in the price of things.
Think twice order once.