mike_68 wrote:
Enjoy yourself man, nobody's gonna do it for you huh?? lol...
On paper you are absolutely correct. If anything, I should be looking forward to a new career in pro bono work or as a mentor. And as a boy when an adult reached 60 years of age he looked "elderly." Yesterday I was on The Gaunlet for +110 minutes and burned up 2550 calories. Most guys in their 20s can go 12 to 20 minutes--maybe.
I have enough health and disposable income to pick any
positive path and make it happen. I just don't want to. I feel lax, lazy and
entitled to make others carry my load in this new society.
I spoke to a friend in Wyoming a few days ago, a retired career army officer and retired LEO. He has worked for several years now using that experience to become a court appointed victims' advocate. Even he submitted his resignation recently. He had the same tone in his voice that I do.
Do you think we have given up too soon?