badinfluence63 wrote:
Those little goodies/amenities really take much of the work out of the ride to a point. I still use a map but as I get closer the GPS gets you to the door step. Love the stereo/speakers and XM radio for continuous channel play.
If you ever come over to the dark side of modern technology you will have one regret.....that you didn't do it sooner.
Yeah - there's a reason I stay away from all that stuff - just hand me your cell phone and watch it stop working - I can only use a cell when I'm not touching it cause for what ever reason it gets all static the second I touch it.
GPS is also fun around me, believe me- I get in my buddies car and we get lost. Paper maps, a pen and index cars work - no static.
Oh and cruise control...good on those long stretch's of straight interstate.
Wonder why who have such a physical adversity agin electrical stuff? Your body must generate high levels of electricity? Or maybe the tend to ground stuff?