Kickstand wrote:
My first water cooled motorcycle was back in the early 90's. It was a 1000cc Honda Interceptor... it was fast enough to go back in time (really). The day I purchased it on the ride home I got stuck in traffic and it puked coolant. It was the only time it did it to me, but it left a lasting impression.
If your bike puked the coolant out after you shut the engine down rather than when you were riding, then that makes sense. I think the radiator pressure spikes right after you turn your engine off. The water quits moving and the water that is on the hottest surface vaporizes (or it can if the design pressure is incorrect) which increases the overall pressure in the coolant system. I am not sure how long this last and if the system is designed correctly it shouldn't puke. It could just be a matter of the pressure relief device is not set correctly (or failed) or the system has a design flaw. This is just my opinion... I'm not a mechanic.
I had a car that did that to me - when I shut it off - the radiator exploded... I had to get a new radiator. but the pressure does go way up when you shut them down.
As for a new bike that does that - I'd just take it back to the dealer and let them solve that problem.