The event and location itself is a big cash grab and the majority of vendors do not cater to anything I'm particulary interested in. Nothing, no item really called out to me. I don't need another tee shirt, patch, guardian bell,knife,helmet,boots,coat,gloves,leathers. I found the bike stereo experts wicked those bikes blasting as loud as any rude tuner car. And whether at Fun spot,the Weirs or the drive in it seemed like the same same vendors and the same stuff...3$ bottled water, yep(I did find an honest man who sold the bottled water for 1$). We made sure we ate well before getting close to the action. We ate here: All lunch items were below 10$ and nice atomosphere. Not crowded either. Walked right in and sat at a table for 6.
The best part of Laconia bike week is touring the surrounding area northward and not just the kangamangus although thats a good start as any. Imagine sleeping on the ground(mud) at a camp site during torrential rain..I'll let the younguns rock that
glad I live just a hop skip and a jump away.