That's a good question, and I'd like to give you a sincere response here in public.
do try to be polite, but I do not let it water down the content of my discourse. As long as I am a full member here I will speak my mind. This follows the way I gerrymand my life among idiots. I am old school, and that means I expect bike clubs to have brothers, real men to speak their minds and an immediate response to danger by running toward it, not away.
Current bike forums are crap. That's why I'm here at HRF. Granted, it's not my 'home forum,' that would be a forum for professional sharpeners that only grants membership
by invitation. I believe that's probably the coming idea for forums, it cuts down on the riff-raff and spammers.
To apply that to the singular aspect of your concerns, I don't care what the admin and moderators here think. I expect them to care what I think. If they open the door to this private party, and invite me in, that means that I come dressed as I am. Yikes, I was socialized in bike clubs as a teenager, just how do you expect me to act?
As for risking a ban by the admin and moderaters here, I can only relate to them the sound, logical and poignant advice of my mentor and ace crime fighter,
Super Chicken:
"Friend, if you're afraid you'll have to overlook it, besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it."They wanted a bike forum, ergo, they were going to get bikers. As such as I will keep offering my unvarnished opinion until they come to my hometown, rip me off my motorcycle and close my mouth. If my
eighty-plus year old Aunt Clara can do that, then so should they...