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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:27 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:44 am
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I guess the theme here is blind hatred and racism from the liberals or should I say the Clinton supporters.

The main stream media has convinced everyone that trump is evil - but so far everything that the dnc says trump is/does the dnc is and really does. Don't forget that the puppet master soros is a america hating billionaire that has enough money to buy off the media and make them say what ever he wants. soros wants to end the usa. It looks as if soros might actually get his wish.

I'm a patriot. I love this country. USA USA USA USA USA

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:09 am 
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This country to it's chagrin is stuck with a two party system and you know I've heard that same arguments on the both sides. I personally believe that both are equally bad and it really doesn't which one gets in. This country will be equally screwed. The debit will not stop, the tax abuse will not stop, The figurative raping of the common every day people will not stop, So really does it matter?
The only way regular Americans win is by ending the plutocracy and both candidates are complicit in that because they are both part of the rich class. The reality is that's been the case for decades, hell, centuries. It's always been that way, the rich dudes make the rules.

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:11 am 
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Lot of information to digest here. :icon_hat:

I saw some stuff but the videos you posted were very educational for me. :icon_thumbsup:

I kind of got lost on youtube after that - I was checking out the black lives mater videos and I gotta tell you - scary stuff there. :icon_eek:

I really believe that when black people say they can't be racist and then say kill whitey - something is just upside down. I have friends of color- they don't call each other n!&&*r. They are solid guys and I love them. I've worked with them and we've known each other for many years. We eat at each others houses and our families are friends. They aren't supporters of this violent movement. :icon_evil:

I see this as a result of the current administrations actions and attitudes of making minorities more dependent on welfare and government support. The sense of entitlement for non working people that make more money than I do because they had a bunch of kids with fathers that don't take responsibility for their actions. When black people don't listen to police and don't cooperate or comply and then get killed as a result of their actions, then turn around and claim police brutality, is just mind blowing. :icon_question:

This "White Privilege" is just as erroneous. I've been stopped by the police many times in my life. I stay calm. I answer politely. I cooperate. I've only had one time that I had a problem and I was a young guy with a concealed illegal weapon in my car... I got in trouble. Illegal is illegal. I've never had a problem since.

I feel that today's cops have a harder job than those years ago. I big problem is violent gang members that didn't exist years ago. These people have no respect or regard for law enforcement. An unarmed man that is strong and angry is still dangerous and can hurt or kill someone.

Sorry I got off subject...
Election 2016: I can't find any videos that aren't conjecture about the negative things the MSM is claiming on Trump. I did however find endless videos on Clinton corruption and how the DNC trolls caused chaos and violence at the Trump rallies. I found tons of videos with hypocrisy of people that want to make free speech laws that stop free speech.

I can't in good conscience vote for anyone other than Trump. He hasn't taken any money from the special interests or foreign donors - ie George Soros. I did watch a video on GS and he is a big pile of steaming crap.

So Trump 2016!!
Hillary for Prison 2017!! :icon_mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:58 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:02 am
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Hey Jake you sure say it how you see it bud. Corrupt is corrupt is corrupt,those in power get there through their wealth or through lying or cheating. If they weren't corrupt when they first made it to power they pretty soon learn how.Its the same here,I guess it's the same the world over. When it comes to elections you can only vote how your conscience tells you,and hope that you get it right,but in the long run ,nothing much changes ,all the promises turn out false once again, and the powerful get richer on the backs of the poor. Until the next election comes around.

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:28 am 
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Eddieblz, so very true. the rich make the rules. your reply was very true and i agree completely. we are f'kd. i can't believe that the group of ppl that run for the office of prez are so bad - both sides and the green n libertarian are not any better. most ppl don't understand that ussr stands for union of soviet socialists republic. socialism is bernie and jill stein. just say communists but no that would be the truth and communism is a negative.

roadking, yeah there is a butt load of info and i agree with you on your observations. im not here to say vote for anyone but yeah i think you have some valid points. the blm movement was suposed to be non violent but that didt last. the fbi is on the hillery case. a day late maybe to late. eventually fbi will get it right or not.

bikerod, yes again. if they aint corrupt they will be. the saying absolute power currupts absoleutly is true.

a friend asked me who I was voting for? I asked him to tell me first. he wouldnt so i didnt. i will say im voting for the least corrupt and most american one. the latest is fbi is reopening the hillery case. this will be interesting. one week to go and the polls are even or favoring trump. he might just make it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:00 pm 
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I just came across this:
The article is a good read and it covers the CNN firing of Donna Brazile.
Here is a quote:
ARREST Brazile, Mills, Podesta, Schultz, Abedin and Clinton
What we are all witnessing here with these revelations about cheating, corruption, obstruction of justice, bribery and vote fraud is nothing less than the inner workings of a criminal cartel composed of a modern day political mafia.

All these political scumbags need to go to jail. They are all guilty of serious crimes against the United States and against democracy itself. They respect no law. They follow no rules. They cheat, lie, deceive, steal and intimidate their way to power, election after election. They live as legally immune parasites feeding off the blood, sweat and tears of the American middle class who are barely staying afloat while Washington elitists like Brazile, Abedin and Clinton dine on luxury meals like a disturbing scene out of the Hunger Games.

But it's not President Snow we have to worry about in the real world... it's the haunting possibility of a President Clinton.

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:00 pm 
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the media is up to its tricks again. they are using polls from early last week to show Hillery is ahead. I found several other sites that have trump ahead by a 15 point margin. cnn fired brazile. another crook.
the UK is prepareing for a trump victory and from the article seems fairly happy about it.
some european news sources are reporting violence from the migrant populations. hillery is still claiming inocense thats some ludicrous she must be smoking.
still havent found one credible source for any of the claims against trump. seems he might just be a good guy after all?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:27 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:22 pm 
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Well there's consolation here. THE FIRST LADY IS HOT!!! :icon_smoking:

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 Post subject: Re: Election 2016 - The Truth
PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:25 pm 
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So the corrupt and demonic got passed over and the businessman won.
I can't believe the hypocrisy of the Demoncrats and all their BS "love and tolerance" that doesn't exist.

8 Years ago the country elected a "Black" president that hurt the black people more than any president in history. Now we have a man that I believe will turn that around.
Thank you America!! :icon_hat:

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