Look what the UPS guy just dropped off at my house...
I ordered online, after I gave my local (Harley) tire shop first shot at a best price, I've been going there since '95. His price was over a hundred bucks more just for the tires, and his reasons were getting lame, since he doesn't really warranty anything the company does. So anyway here is what I decided on, Michelin Commander II. I did my research and seems 99% of everyone reviewing these tires loved them. They are *supposed to* last longer - go faster - give better gas mileage - better wet traction - better dry traction - all around better flat prevention (Kevlar belting) but they do cost more.
I have a guy that does the spoke wheel mounting for a great price, seems the local guy doesn't give any deals anymore, not even for old customers... too bad for him, first step in going under is not being competitive... names withheld to prevent any hard feelings.
Anyway this is how they ship, just banded together and label stuck on them.
I take the wheels off the bike myself, gives me a chance to detail the inside of the fenders and check brakes and do any maintenance that might be needed. I give the wheels a really good cleaning then bring them down to the tire shop where they change out the new ones. I have spoke wheels so I also got new tubes, they should be here tomorrow.
Once home with new rubber mounted I wax and polish the wheels one more time before I put them back on the bike and off I go.
Ill keep you all posted as to how these new tires ride and hold up as I put the miles on them.