Kickstand wrote:
To test if you are getting fire to the plugs pull one of the plug wires off and put a screw driver in it and see if it will arc on the head when you crank it over. If it does, then you are at least getting some fire to the plugs. Check the plugs and see if they are corroded. Are you gettting gas to the motor? Is the fuel filter plugged? YOu mentioned the carb was having issues, did you get it right?
That's my suggestion to start. I think it will run even if the stator is bad, but I am not well read on that model.
I think that is a good start you will need to narrow it down so we can pinpoint the problem.
Keebz3484 wrote:
just another taught when i do try to crank it over sometime it gives me a clicking noise and other times no. more clicking noise when i dont have jump on it.
That is your battery either it has a weak charge or not the right battery for your bike. It can also be the connections are not tight. The starter does not have enough juice to turn the engine over.
Have you ever heard it run?