bikerod wrote:
Hi deerslayer, no, we both have 1997\8 dynas neither bikes have tachos, his tickover sounds quicker than mine. Without tachos how do we know which bike is running at the correct tickover speed which I think should be 1100rpm, sorry for confusion.would I need a tacho fitted to check tickover speed is correct or is there another way.thanx rod.
Here in the US we call what you are talking about "idle speed". Yes as far as I see you will need to get a tach to check the speed. I am sure that it would not cost too much to have it done at a shop if you needed to be exact. I adjust my idle rpm's by ear and take off from a stop. If you are sitting at a stop and you let the clutch out slowly and the bike takes off it is too high. If you let the clutch out and you can get it rolling very slowly then as for me that is where I have mine adjusted. So when you leave a red light you give it a little gas you go. If it sounds too high by your ear it probably is. Does this make sense? Hope this helps.