AJR wrote:
I have no idea why I didn't receive notification of your answer....but I'll apologize for being so long getting back with you. WOW on the 10 & 15 lbs. My manual says a maximum of 50 lbs. so I automatically figured with both my wife AND I on the bike I probably should keep it at the max. I guess I might be overdoing it, huh !!!!! Sponginess & whish-whashiness will indeed come about cornering with low air pressure. Could even be considered unsafe & could get ya in trouble.
Thanks again for your reply.
50 PSI - wow!!
My bike max's out at 15 psi back and 10 front. Huge difference. I guess HD stands for Heavy Duty...
The dealership used to sell a tiny pump for my suspension - now you can use a compressor.
At 50 psi - how does the bike ride - hard on bumps go lower - if it rides nice and you like it keep it where you have it.