dlowry wrote:
Welcome from your neighbor in New Mexico. it is always a good thing when you can talk about the crash. As they say, "it's not if but when". I hope we are only allowed one in our lifetime!!!
I think the first one - if you're lucky - is the one that teaches you that you don't want that to ever happen again. It makes you go over it a million times in your head - what did I do to make that happen? How not to let it happen again.
Here's what I learned the hard way:
Stay loose, Keep your eye on the prize -(a clear line), Maintain mental focus-that clean line...
Can't say how many times I almost became a hood ornament out here. Come around a blind corner and someone is either over the yellow lines or turning into a driveway. Add bad weather - and everything in your favor in nullified. I hate riding in the rain, on top of it, I never have my rain gear on. Wet, cold, and cant see through the windshield and when you look over it you get rain in your eyes, cause your glasses are all wet and you cant see through them. I sat out some good ones under a bridge some where - I really don't like big trucks during those times. They go wizzing by the size of a house and spray dirty azzed road mist all over everything you own.
Now I make sure I get the updated weather BEFORE I leave.
HCB, I guess you had to be somewhere that time.